Lakes at Stake is a bipartisan group of concerned citizens from across the state who love our lakes and are alarmed by the damage being inflicted on them by wake sports. We believe that our lakes are Wisconsin’s greatest treasure, valued for their natural beauty and the economic value they generate for tourism, recreation, small businesses, and property owners. Our guiding principle is that everyone has the right to enjoy our lakes, and that the rights of a majority of lake users should not be infringed upon by the small minority of boaters who create hazardous conditions on, under, and along the shorelines of our lakes.

We are committed to standing up against the powerful water sports industry through legislation, public education, and advocacy efforts at the state and local level to protect our lakes and of all who enjoy them from the impacts of wake sports.

Our Board of Directors represent a strong cross-section of the state, hailing from Southeast, Central, and Northern Wisconsin. Our collective interests are as boaters, fisherman, kayakers, swimmers, sailors and riparian owners. Board members bring diverse experience from private industry and public life.

We want you, our donors, to have the utmost confidence in your donations and their wise use. Please note however that donations are not tax-deductible, we are a 501c4 organization, which is allowed political advocacy.


Lake Champions

Lake Champions have a front row seat for all things at LASW. These volunteers represent their lake and bring valuable information to Lake Districts, Protection and Rehabilitation Districts and all of us. As a Lake Champion, you will have access to our educational forums and one-on-one access to our staff.

Become a Lakes at Stake Lake Champion today! Email us at